PAN International Webinar „Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) – a global challenge“
PAN International lädt ein zu einem spannenden Webinar (in englischer Sprache) zu hochgiftigen Pestiziden am 15. Dezember um 13:30 Uhr.
In this webinar, you can deepen your understanding of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). You will get an overview about their characteristics, and an insight into their implications for human rights, human health, and the environment. And you can learn about policy options for a phase-out of HHPs. Please join us to learn from the involved experts, pose your questions and share your comments.
Dr. Marcos Orellana, UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights,
Jayakumar Chelaton, Director of PAN India
Dr. Keith Tyrell, Director of PAN UK
Dr. Peter Clausing, Toxicologist, PAN Germany
Laurent Gaberell, Public Eye Switzerland
Arnaud Apoteker, Justice Pesticides France
Dr. Meriel Watts, Director of Science and Policy PAN Asia Pacific
Sarojeni Rengam, Director of PAN Asia Pacific
Lars Neumeister, Pesticide Expert
Susan Haffmans, PAN Germany (moderator)
Please refer to the flyer (English) for more information on the program.
Note that participants need to register in advance (registration is required, but free).
Interpretation in English, French & Spanish will be provided.