Chemiepolitischer Mittagstalk 2023 #1 - Highly Hazardous Pesticides
Highly Hazardous Pesticides
International Action towars a global phase-out
Highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) are a relatively small group of pesticides and yet they cause the most harm due to severe, irreversible environmental and health damage. Since 2015, HHPs have been a focus topic in SAICM, but so far too little has happened to minimise the harmful effects of HHPs and their use. The African Region developed a proposal to launch a Global Alliance on HHPs at the World Conference on Chemicals (ICCM5) to finally initiate the necessary focused activities. In the talk, we will explain the problems of HHPs and go into more detail about the Global Alliance and what impact it can have.
Susan Haffmans, PAN Germany
Tadesse Amera, PAN Ethiopea and IPEN
Tom Kurz, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development